Pool Turning Green? Here’s How to Fix It

Pool Turning Green? Here’s How to Fix It

A green pool can be a nightmare for pool owners, turning a backyard oasis into a murky, uninviting mess. The green color is typically due to algae growth, which can occur if the water chemistry is not properly maintained. Fortunately, with the right approach, you can restore your pool to its crystal-clear glory. Here’s a step-by-step guide by Valley Oasis Pools on how to fix a green pool.

Assess the Situation

First, determine the severity of the algae problem. If your pool has a slight green tint, it may be a minor issue that can be resolved quickly. However, if the water is dark green or black, it indicates a more severe infestation that will require more effort and possibly professional assistance. If the problem looks like more than you can handle, Valley Oasis Pools can provide the heavy-duty cleaning it needs.

Test the Water

Before you start adding chemicals, it’s crucial to test the water to understand its current condition. Use a reliable pool water testing kit to check the levels of pH, chlorine, and alkalinity. Algae thrive in unbalanced water, so you’ll likely find low chlorine levels and possibly high pH levels.

Adjust the pH Level

The first chemical adjustment is to balance the pH level. The ideal pH range for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH is too high, add a pH reducer to bring it down to the appropriate level. Balancing the pH will make the chlorine more effective at killing algae. If you are not sure that you can correctly balance the pH or you feel start feeling overwhelmed with the process of cleaning your pool, don’t hesitate to reach out to Valley Oasis Pools for help.

Shock the Pool

“Shocking” the pool means adding a large dose of chlorine to kill algae and sanitize the water. Use a high-quality pool shock product and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage. Typically, you’ll need to add 3-5 times the normal amount of chlorine to effectively shock the pool. To shock your pool, follow these steps:

  • Calculate the Amount of Shock – Based on the volume of your pool, determine the appropriate amount of shock needed.
  • Pre-Dissolve Shock – In a bucket of water, pre-dissolve the shock to prevent bleaching the pool surface.
  • Add Shock to the Pool – Pour the dissolved shock evenly around the pool and run the pump continuously for 24 hours to ensure even distribution.

Brush and Vacuum the Pool

After shocking the pool, algae will begin to die off and settle on the pool surfaces. Use a pool brush to scrub the walls, floors, and steps, loosening the algae. Follow up with vacuuming to remove the debris from the bottom of the pool. For severe infestations, you may need to vacuum the waste to avoid clogging the filter. If the filter gets clogged or the vacuum stops working, Valley Oasis Pools can come and repair them. Alternatively, call us from the moment you spot algae in your pool to let our technicians solve the problem quickly and accurately. 

Run the Pool Filter

Keep the pool filter running continuously until the water clears. This process can take several days, depending on the severity of the algae problem. Make sure to backwash the filter frequently to remove trapped debris and maintain good filtration.

Retest and Balance the Water

Once the pool water starts to clear, retest the water chemistry to ensure that the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels are within the recommended ranges. Adjust as necessary to maintain balanced water to prevent future algae growth. For added protection, consider adding an algaecide to your pool. Algaecides can help to inhibit algae formation and keep the water clear. 

Maintain Regular Pool Care

To keep your pool from turning green again, it’s essential to maintain a regular pool care routine:

  • Test the Water Weekly – Regular testing helps you catch and correct imbalances before they become severe.
  • Maintain Proper Chlorine Levels – Ensure that chlorine levels are consistently within the recommended range.
  • Clean the Pool Regularly – Brush and vacuum the pool surfaces to prevent algae buildup.
  • Run the Filter Daily – Regular filtration helps keep the water clear and free of debris.

If you find the process of having to maintain your pool regularly a hassle, Valley Oasis Pools can perform regular maintenance to keep your pool in optimal condition.

Contact Valley Oasis Pools for Help with Green Pools

A green pool can be a daunting sight, but with the right steps, you can restore it to a pristine condition. Prevention is key, so stick to a consistent maintenance schedule to avoid future algae issues and enjoy a crystal-clear pool. If your Tucson, AZ, pool needs more regular maintenance than you can provide or you just bought a house with a pool that needs an inspection, schedule a consultation with Valley Oasis Pools.

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